# HowTo install Subliminal on Synology ################################# # # Subliminal: https://github.com/Diaoul/subliminal # Python module to search and download subtitles # # Author: J. van Emden (Brickman) # Latest version: http://synology.brickman.nl # # Version: # 2012-10-05: # - Manual update function added using pip # # 2012-06-16: # - Version 0.6.0 released depends now on Python lxml which is not available for python27 # therefore use the version of Synocommunity. # - Old HowTo can be found here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5653370/syn_howto/HowTo%20-%20install%20Subliminal_old.txt # - Removed the cache file # - Initial release v2 # ################################# #################################################################################################################################### #################################################################################################################################### ## ## ## This installation requires a bootstrapped Synology, more info can be found on: ## ## http://forum.synology.com/wiki/index.php/Overview_on_modifying_the_Synology_Server,_bootstrap,_ipkg_etc#How_to_install_ipkg ## ## ## #################################################################################################################################### #################################################################################################################################### # Connect to your Synology DiskStation using SSH, and login as root (password is the same as admin!) # Install the following if needed ipkg update # Download the latest package list ipkg upgrade # Upgrade installed packages to the latest version ipkg install nano # Install Nano text editor or use vi # Open the DiskStationManager and go to the Package Center # Add http://packages.synocommunity.com to the repository list # Install the Python 2.7 package and Subliminal package of Synocommunity # Create a cache dir (needed for the Bierdopje plugin) mkdir -p /volume1/@appstore/.subliminal/cache chown -R sickbeard:users /volume1/@appstore/.subliminal ################################################## ## Download scripts ## ################################################## # Create logging directory mkdir -p /volume1/homes/admin/Logs/subliminal # Download the subtitle finder wget -O /volume1/@appstore/scripts/subli_findTV.sh http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5653370/syn_files/subliminal/subli_findTV.sh && chmod a+x /volume1/@appstore/scripts/subli_findTV.sh wget -O /volume1/@appstore/scripts/subli_cron_findTV.sh http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5653370/syn_files/subliminal/subli_cron_findTV.sh && chmod a+x /volume1/@appstore/scripts/subli_cron_findTV.sh ################################################## ## Update subliminal manually ## ################################################## /usr/local/subliminal/env/bin/pip install -U guessit subliminal ################################################## ## Cronjob configuration ## ################################################## # To find subtitles every six hours for file that are younger than 14 days # replace with the correct directory # add the following line to the file /etc/crontab (open the file with nano /etc/crontab or your favorite editor and make shure that there is one TAB after each item) #minute hour mday month wday who command 0 */6 * * * root /bin/sh /volume1/@appstore/scripts/subli_cron_findTV.sh 14 > /dev/null # Optional: # To find old subtitles once a month # replace with the correct directory # add the following line to the file /etc/crontab (open the file with nano /etc/crontab or your favorite editor and make shure that there is one TAB after each item) #minute hour mday month wday who command 30 6 1 * * root /bin/sh /volume1/@appstore/scripts/subli_cron_findTV.sh > /dev/null # Restart the cron deamon /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S04crond.sh stop && /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S04crond.sh start